Your new Labrador puppy will require a course of vaccinations at 9 weeks and at 12 weeks of age.
The timing of these essential vaccinations does vary according to different practice policies however – so check with your veterinary surgery when booking the appointments.
The vaccinations are simply 2 injections 2-3 weeks apart.
The diseases which they protect against are:-
Parvo Virus
Hence the initials DHLPPi which you may notice on your vaccination certificate which will be issued after the course.
This certificate must be kept safe as you will need to show it as proof of vaccination to any kennels where your Labrador may visit in the future.
Many practices now issue a certificate which is also a health booklet – these are great as you can keep an accurate record of all worming and flea control and also keep a note of your Labradors changing weight and so on.
The canine diseases are fatal generally speaking. Dogs are still at risk and these diseases are seen in practice from time to time – particularly Parvo Virus. If you take on a puppy you must be responsible and ensure vaccinations and all other aspects of preventative health care are taken seriously. Follow your vet’s advice.
Puppy packs are often given at the time of vaccination which contains all the information you will need – from microchipping and nutrition to insurance and socialisation.
It is important to start with good habits that remain throughout your Labradors life.7-10 days after the initial course of vaccinations your puppy is fully immune to the diseases and can safely mix with other vaccinated dogs and walk in public areas. Until this time it is advisable to socialise your pup as much as possible – carrying him or her around so that every possible scenario can be accepted confidently and appropriately to avoid future problems, for example different people, animals, trains, kites, etc.
If you plan to board your Labrador in kennels at any stage it is recommended that you have the Kennel Cough vaccine administered every 6 months for maximum protection. This vaccine is given into the nose. Some kennels insist on it nowadays.
There has been some question regarding the safety of vaccines recently. It is important that your Labrador is in full health when the vaccines are given – to ensure they work effectively. The vet should give your Labrador a full health check – including taking its temperature to be certain that your Labrador puppy is well. Some vets do not do this – do not be afraid to ask as you are paying for a 10 minute consultation/health check with the vaccination and are entitled to a proper check over.Millions of vaccines are given each year – there are very few vaccine reactions reported. You may find your puppy becomes lethargic/quiet after the initial vaccine – but if you are worried or there are other symptoms – contact your vet for peace of mind.
If you have any questions, or are concerned about your Labrador – always speak to your vet for advice.